Early Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo (me center, Danny right). And years later, I’m still banging my drum!
Yes, still banging drum as we tour extensively with Bloody Bridget, Canada to Brazil and everywhere in between.
Paris 1971. “Le Grand Magic Circus,” (me in whiteface, legendary director Jérôme Savary lower right). Hit show, toured Europe extensively, Danny joined up, his first public original music. He was 18, me 22. Pretty wild!
The original Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo (Danny left, me right) Boy did we put on a show!!
Had next to no money doing Forbidden Zone but scored a crane for one, damn day—here with DP Greg Sandor shooting a few sweeping shots for “Some of These Days.”
Me and Anna enjoy life through thick and thin. (was “thick” on this particular day)
Anna and I actually eloped up the coast of Canada, came back to a family wedding, Danny sang the Hebrew blessings.
I cook for my cast & crew at the end of each week, also after wild screenings with live performances where feastable is feasible.
Gotta’ say I’m a grill-master.
1964: High school freshman (soon a state) track champion.
1994: “Sugar Ray Rosenberg” between nose jobs. Sparring partner in pro stable–this guy “could “really take a punch!”
2024: Training for Senior Division Ulitmate Mud-Wrestling Championship. Three-hundred dollar prize!! (The fucking eighty year-olds are push-overs!)